Tuition and Payments
Learn about Dancentral Studios tuition and payment option policies and procedures, as well as make an online payment.
TUITION PLAN 2024-2025
Our family-friendly comprehensive tuition plan is calculated based on the total hours of instruction for each family.
NOTE: Most classes are released 5 minutes early in order to best facilitate the change of classes and proper cleaning. Classes remain billed at their regular rate.
An initial registration fee of $45.00 per individual or $65.00 per family and the first tuition installment is required at the time of enrollment.
For your convenience, tuition is paid annually or in 9 equal installments (Sept-May)
5% Discount on annual tuition paid in full by 10/1/24.
45 Minutes per week | $ 378.00 annually | $ 42.00 per installment |
One hour per week | $ 468.00 annually | $ 52.00 per installment |
One 1/4 hours per week | $ 549.00 annually | $ 61.00 per installment |
One 1/2 hours per week | $ 630.00 annually | $ 70.00 per installment |
One 3/4 hours per week | $ 702.00 annually | $ 78.00 per installment |
Two hours per week | $ 765.00 annually | $ 85.00 per installment |
Two 1/2 hours per week | $ 891.00 annually | $ 99.00 per installment |
Two 3/4 hours per week | $ 954.00 annually | $ 106.00 per installment |
Three hours per week | $ 1017.00 annually | $ 113.00 per installment |
Three 1/2 hours per week | $ 1125.00 annually | $125.00 per installment |
Three 3/4 hours per week | $ 1170.00 annually | $130.00 per installment |
Four hours per week** | $ 1215.00 annually | $135.00 per installment |
**For each additional hour in excess of four hours per week, add $180 annually or $20.00 per installment up to a $300.00 per month maximum.
Registered families can gain 24/7 access to their account information such as balances, scheduling and payment options, including auto pay, all from the parent portal found here on our website!
Dancentral accepts MasterCard, Visa and Discover through the PORTAL in addition to some Wellness cards. We also provide an alternate payment option through PayPal, however this payment option should only be used with the permission of the management. Cash payments and checks are accepted at the studio. Convenient payment drop boxes are located in the waiting area, stairwell and in the studios. Please make any checks payable to DANCENTRAL. Your canceled check is your receipt of payment. If a check is returned for any reason there will be a $25.00 surcharge. Cash payments will need to be enclosed in an envelope and should include the student’s name, and the amount enclosed on the outside of the envelope. Receipts for payment by cash will not be issued during class therefore we suggest, for your safety, that you pay by check or credit card. Tuition is to be paid regardless of attendance and studio closings.
NOTE: For those who select the installment payment option, tuition is to be paid the first week of each month (Sept.-May).
NOTE: Everyone is required to keep a valid credit card on file. Accounts with overdue balances after the 14th of the month will be assessed a $5.00 late charge and your credit card will be charged for the entire balance due. Students with accounts delinquent in excess of 30 days will not be allowed to take class.